The Inner Oralce Trilogy is one that has millions asking questions of how can we be so wonderful with our own serious flaws and all the madness in the world; what is this Inner Oracle? And do we all have this inner poower inside of us?  Who are we, deep inside  and what is the inner oracle?  How can we find our "This Inner Nature"  or seek the True Self or what others call, the kingdom within us etc; and with our efforts to bringing people together and guiding them to understand one anothers wide scope of opinions:   We can understand humanites calling to see the good in others and thus we begin to see it also within ourselves:  one thing is for sure, to be in tune with one Self, by being open to Our own divine nature, guiding us to know who we are, what to contemplate, what we believe to be true and how to trust ourselves again, or to have a mind of our own, sorta speak.   We can only love who we are once we choose to accept our own internal candle flame - which is ours to keep lit at all times.  While so many may wish for you to be like everybody else, always in the end know who you are and choose always to be "YourSelf" with full honesty, loving peace and joyful growth of your wider presence with the world Being given to you richly in abundantly beautiful ways.  In the proce we can be alive again - become aware of who we really are and greatly impact the lives we touch with our presence.  Enjoy the process and stop and smell those roses..... ah fun!    ---- PETER SAMMARCO

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AuthorPeter Sammarco