Your love is generous 

Your giving is sincere. 

You caring... is open and 

Your heart in near....

I feel your presence on everyday

For our friendship is infinite ...

In every way ----

---- Peter Sammarco

Please watch our Three Videos on our website regarding the New Trilogy:


AuthorPeter Sammarco

A new phase of life begins now. Here and now join us and enjoy our interactive presentation at The Golf & Country Club in Calgary Alberta Canada
On November 1st, 2013.

Myths Around Aging Debunked – by Peter Sammarco

Myths Around Aging Debunked

“A community transforms when its members take charge of their lives and create their own destinies,” says Peter Sammarco, author of The Inner Oracle Collection.

“While accepting the greatness and genius of every individual, we can build an interdependent community and create a balance of give and take in all of our personal relationships with others,” Sammarco says.

Sammarco hopes that the advice in his book can change lives by helping readers live longer, happier, more loving, blissful and productive lives.

“With our population aging at a rate never seen before, the need for such a book has become extremely important. I spent many days and even nights visiting a friend at a seniors’ home,” Sammarco said. “We discussed what we felt was needed to reduce the costs in our ailing health care system. Maintaining your mental, emotional and physical strength as well as your spirituality can be key factors in reducing health care costs.”

Sammarco offers empowerment and life enhancement through his books, now available in a three volume collection:

Volume I—Mind: Unlock your mind’s inner power and transform your life with practical words of wisdom.
Volume II—Body: A pragmatic approach to maintaining your body’s vitality and power at any age.
Volume III—Soul: Discover the secrets of inner peace and the joy of loving yourself and others.
Sammarco says myths around aging include a myriad of comments and excuses such as:

I’m too old to …

Strengthen my body
Have fun
Fall in love and be intimate
Learn new things
Adventure into new areas
Enjoy life
Have a joyful and meaningful life
Make new friends
Go for walks or start running
Take care of my bills
Become a volunteer
“If you have suffered an illness or stroke, you might feel that you are too old to get better and lead a fulfilling life,” says Sammarco. “It is possible to recuperate from severe strokes, to learn to walk again, and to strengthen your body, mind, and skills.”

The idea that “it’s all downhill from here” is just another myth, says Sammarco. “It is possible to become a manifestation of your own thoughts and imagine symptoms of illness. Instead, send positive messages to create a healthier mind and body even in your later years.”

Peter Sammarco, author, keynote speaker, and advisor, offers empowerment and life enhancement through his books, now available in a three volume collection: The Inner Oracle.

My Generation: Speakers Series for Boomers presents “Peter Sammarco: Get Control Of How You Age” November 1 at the Calgary Golf and Country Club. Tickets on sale now at

AuthorPeter Sammarco